Recent Discoveries: Part One
I know I haven't been around lately. One reason is because of my health, and the other reason is that the way I attempted to structure this blog isn't working out. It's not conducive to my lifestyle or the way I practice. I wanted to be a good little pagan and post along with the solar and lunar cycles. I should know that doesn't work from past experience, but I was hopeful. It didn't even come close to working. It's confession time. Out of all the sabbats, I only celebrate Samhain. As for the lunar cycles, I'm lucky if I remember to collect moon water, let alone do anything else. I do my magickal workings whenever I feel like it and however I want to do it. If you're looking for someone that does things by the book, that is definitely not me. Although, I do stay attuned to the energies as the wheel of the year turns. Every day is magickal to me. I don't fuss over how things are supposed to be done. I do...