Book Blessing Card
In the last post, I showed an easy way to add pockets to any notebook or journal. In this post, I'll discuss how to make a book blessing card to put in the front pocket of your journal. A book blessing is used to dedicate a journal for a particular purpose, usually spiritual or magickal in nature. Whether you're eclectic pagan like me or believe differently, you can write your own blessing that incorporates your spirituality. A book blessing could be a prayer, a poem, a charm or spell, or some prose that describes your feelings regarding the purpose of this journal and how its contents are to be protected. This is the first time I've ever really felt the need to create a book blessing or dedication. I personally think it's necessary, since any kind of transformative work involves some vulnerability. I looked up book blessings online and while most of the websites that came up in the search were pagan or Wiccan, there were some common themes that could be inte...